Amazing Cancer Therapy Wipes Out Prostate and Bone Cancer

Chronic over-acidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular activities and functions. In other words, over-acidity interferes with life itself. It is at the root of cancer.

Well I am delighted every time I see anything from Vernon Johnson who managed to get his urinary pH up to 8.5 for five days and then within two weeks was back at his oncologist’s office for a test, which showed his bones being cleared of his cancer.

“Cancer tried to kill me. After a struggle or two… or three… or four… or more, I said, “No!” Or at least I was hoping for a “No.” I turned to Cesium, but ended up with Baking Soda. My goal was to change my pH quickly. I knew little or next to nothing what pH, Alkaline or Acidic meant. Happily I found out,” wrote Vernon Johnson….


Source: Amazing Cancer Therapy Wipes Out Prostate and Bone Cancer

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