three wind turbines

Can Humans Really Hear the Infrasound Generated by Wind Turbines and Smart Meters?

Do Wind Turbines Really Cause Health Problems?

“Health effects due to low-frequency components in noise are estimated to be more severe than for community noises in general” – World Health Organization [1] 

Copy of Genesis-_Smart-Meter_-1bHere we have more on the ongoing debate over the health effects of both Smart (aka Advanced) Meters and wind turbines. A quick search on Youtube will reveal plentiful testimonies by people who live next to wind turbines or have Smart Meters installed near where they sleep or work, who experience health effects. They include sleep disturbance, headaches, tinnitus, ear pressure, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, visual blurring, tachycardia, irritability and problems with concentration and memory to name a few.

Wind turbines generate a broad spectrum of noise including low frequency noise and infrasound which may be audible or inaudible. [2][3], [4],  [5]

This article comes from dtesmartmeter blogspot  The industries to do with Radio Frequencies and the radiation

they produce are reluctant to acknowledge any detrimental effects experienced by sane people who live with these technologies at close hand. People caught in the unfortunate position of having them imposed nearby after they have built their homes, are in a very difficult place. Their homes have dropped in value (because nobody chooses to live next to wind farms) so selling and relocating is no longer the simple option it once was. Read more on the effects as researched in a newly released German study:

wind-farm-538576_1280“Even though the American Wind Energy Association has acknowledged the health effects wind turbines can cause, people who claim they can hear sounds generated by wind turbines and smart meters are generally dismissed as crazy, hypochondriacal, or overanxious. A just-released German scientific study now provides proof that humans can hear sounds that were formerly assumed to be outside the range of human hearing. Every person who participated in the study, in which all extraneous noise was removed, was able to perceive the sounds. For some, it wasn’t that they “heard” something acoustically, but that they perceived it in some other way. The scientists also discovered that the perception of these sounds stimulated areas of the brain involved in emotion, which indicates that the brain is perceiving the sound as a potential danger…”

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